So many things...: August 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Kick Ass

Went to see Dark Star last night at Veterans Park in Springfield. They rocked the house, like always. I love seein these guys. Through the roof energy. I could not believe the stuff they were playin, from St. Steven to Brokedown Palace, to.. well HERES THE SET LIST (Aug 17,Show #1,115).... Anyway, Highly recommended group to see, even if you are not a Dead fan...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I give up.

I do. Im done. I cant read ppl at all, and I had once thought that to be my strong point. Also, I am sick as shit. My throat, my dome, and my stomach hurt badly. I would much rather be home in bed then here at work. I believe Adam Sandler said it best when he sang, "..sombody kill me please...". Well put.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


A few buddies and myself went to see Coldplay at the Riverbend Music Center near Cincinnati. The show overall was pretty good, though I thought the crowd could have been a bit more energetic. When you go to a show I want you to be dancin. No standing around like your ready to take a nap or some some shit. You are there for one reason and one reason only (besides the music), to get crazy! Nonetheless, we produced a good time (like always) =). We made our way down to center stage, on the 'lawn', and began to dance our little hearts out. Soon enough people around us started to join in. And thats the stuff im talkin about, energy. We as meager humans feed off one another, so a few high energy people around you can turn a show from a good time, into a great time. And I love all the people I went with which made it that much better, thanks Mr. C! =P

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

lil sis

Today my little sis had to have her gallbladder removed. The procedure was down in Cincinnati at Mercy Medical. I took the mornin off to go down there to be with her. Everything went pretty well, there were some minor complications but nothing to worry long term about. Whew, I was worried as all hell though. It was supposed to take thirty minutes to an hour and ended up taking nearly two. I was sitting out there saying to myself 'what the shit is going on!?!? This is out patient surgery for god sakes!!' FINALLY the doc came out to tell us what was goin on and comfort the old nerves. So needless to say I am very relieved she is alright. I always seem to forget how much I need (and talk to) god until a family member is put in a situation like that.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Things in my life.

I wish people would just be straight up. Honesty is sooo important to me and I just can't seem to find anyone that appreciates the same. People are so full of shit that I can not stand it anymore. The evil that seeps up from the ground and engulfs the air I breath is ridiculous. It makes me want to be a bad person too. But for some reason I just cant do it. I guess thats really a good thing, but sometimes an eye for an eye seems like the right thing to do. Sry, just more bitching about the way the world is...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

It IS Thursday!

Thank goodness. This week has been busy as all hell. You know, performing my 'LAN Support II / Systems Administrator / Network Support / Data Center helper' duties. That's a joke, though only a select few would possibly get it. I think, hopefully, my friends Sparky and Digital are wanting to partake in some afterwork beverages, we shall see. A few things on the horizon. A couple job opps have surfaced, we will see how they pan out. I think I may try to be a bit more proactive with these then I normally am. They are both in the Dayton area, I think that's where I want to be, for now. I am not tied to anything, cars paid off, not too many bills, , no house, no girlfriend, not married, blaa blaa blaa. Now im depressed again. Great. =/

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It feels like Thursday

But its not. Its only Tuesday. My job is driving me nuts. I need desperately to find something else. I saw my friend when I was driving into work this morning and wanted to go get some drinks with him. It was 7:30am. Is that bad?