So many things...: Sales Tax

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sales Tax

I am sure most of you out there have received the, in my humble opinion, less then fair tax refund that our gracious government has granted us the people of the United States. Now, to be fair, my situation is not ideal in the respect that I should assume a large refund will be rewarded. Being um-married, childless, and home(owner)less certainly yields a smaller return. Though every year that passes I seem to feel a bit more bitter toward our Tax Code. Getting back less then one peroid of pay just somehow doesn't sit right with me anymore. And on May 1, as im sure you all know, many of the the illegal immigrants went to strike so to let the Nation know how upset they are with the way our Federal Government treats them. Well now let me just state that taking home approximately 54 percent of my check bi-weekly has also left a somewhat sour taste in my mouth, along with the extremely light refund. And dont get me wrong, the immigration sttuation is completely out of control, and I feel that all those people need to be paying the same tax as any resident of the US.
EDIT:This post was just updated over a year and a half later after the orininal edit. Sooo, please excuse this little rant, we just need a Flat Tax.


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