So many things...: New Feed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Feed.

Sweet. I added a new RSS / XML feed link on the side bar. Works very well with all your average feed readers. Just add the pointer and you are all set. I like and use RSS Bandit for all my stuff. Very straight forward, easy to use, highly customizable, and supports a ton of sync utilities etc. Check out the feature list.
Also, I must give super props to! This site rocks the house. Not only do they convert your blog to XML for you, they also host, hit count, reader / aggrator / bot count it, and give you about a thousand other free tools at your disposal. I am still fingering through all the stuff myself, so there may be additional posts later concerning the amount of sweetness that seeps from the depths of the FeedBurner domain.

So. What do I need to do this on my own blog you quietly mutter?
First, go to, enter your blog link, and hit next, next, activate (obviously signing up, taking note of url, etc). Then go to 'My Feeds' > Publicize > Chicklet Chooser to get your html code. Copy that..
Second, go to your blog and paste the code wherever you want it to display and republish. BAM, there it is with the new link on your page.
Third, download and install RSS Bandit from (i couldn't seem to get it from SourceForge). Then add your new Feedburner URI to 'New Feed..'. Thats it, your done. Also be sure to change the properties of the link to display 'Older then' whatever you want, you know, to see all your posts...

Happy XMLing...


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